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The Heart Chakra

Today we’ll be speaking about the Heart chakra. Yes, I’m dedicating a whole post to this one chakra because for me this is a very special energy centre. Every chakra is special in its own way, but the heart is a bit different from all the other ones.


Well, let’s start by saying that the Heart Chakra is the bridge between the lower and the higher chakras, or rather our physical aspects and our spiritual ones.

It’s in the Heart chakra that we first encounter compassion and empathy. Before we were too concerned with our survival, the way the world saw us and the way we saw ourselves to even begin to consider other people’s feelings or wellbeing. Here, we enter higher realms of existence.

The Heart Chakra regulates compassion, empathy and unconditional love.

This is the centre where we can start transcending our ego’s limitations and allowing new higher perspectives to be integrated. We start asking - how do I feel? Is this serving me?

It’s also the chakra where forgiveness and self-love become a possibility. It’s the energy centre where our relationships can finally be free of wants and needs and we can love from a place that is pure and unconditional.

When this chakra is balanced you have meaningful relationships, you feel connected to the world outside and at the same time with your inner being.

When unbalanced you can become co-dependent, feeling jealousy and needy. You will feel disconnected and start withdrawing from the world.

Now, the Heart chakra is not all about giving all our love, it’s also about receiving. It encourages the balance between giving and receiving, in a way that serves everyone’s greatest good.

When you experience love through the Heart chakra it becomes sweet and easy, it’s not about romance and the reproductive instinct or lust, it becomes free of agendas and needs, allowing for free expression and acceptance of the self and others. It becomes free of conditions.

When we live life through the Heart chakra, the energy flows freely and we are able to see any situation without the need of judgement. We can begin to free ourselves and those around us.

We will come back to the Heart chakra in a later post, when we address its role in the spiritual path to self-realization.

Next time, we’ll be exploring the higher chakras.

Stay tuned!

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